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The boolean type

The boolean type keeps track of whether something is true or false
Declaration of a boolean variable is like:
boolean value;

Operations on booleans

  • Why would we want to do operations on booleans?
  • Like numerical types, we can combine booleans in various ways.
  • You might be familiar with these operations if you have taken a course in logic.

The ! Operator

The NOT operator
Changes a true into a false or a false into a true

x !x
true false
false true

The && Operator

  • The AND operator
  • It gives back true only if both things being combined are true
  • If I can swim AND the pool is not filled with acid, then I will survive
x y x && y
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false

The || Operator

The "|" is above the enter key

  • The OR operator
  • It gives back true if either or both things being combined are true
  • If I get punched in the face OR kicked in the stomach, then I will be in pain
x y x || y
true true true
true false true
false true true
false false false

Short circuit evaluation

  • In some circumstances, Java does not check the whole expression:
  • (true || (some complicated expression))
  • Ignores everything after || and gives back true
  • (false && (some complicated expression))
  • Ignores everything after && and gives back false

Laws of Boolean Algebra

DeMorgan's Law

DeMorgan was a British mathematician who showed the importance of several logic rules.

Two of these:

!(A && B) is equivalent to !A || !B
!(A || B) is equivalent to !A && !B
These come in very handy and are often tested on the AP Exam

Absorption Law

A || (A && B) = A
A && (A || B) = A

Distributive Law

A && (B || C) = A && B || A && C
A || (B && C) = (A || B) (A || C)

Boolean Type

Credit: A Slides are modified with permission from Barry Wittman at Elizabethtown College
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